



ZeRui Industrial Co. Ltd is an integrated economic entity, which is engaged in industries such as the manufacture of aluminum doors and windows, PVC 和 UPVC windows an doors, wrought iron handrails and so on. ZeRui Doors of the Group is a manufacturer, which specializes in the development and design of diversified doors. ZeRui Doors has obtained various certifications, such as, ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System Certificate, VOV Certificate of Conformity, China National Inspection-free Product, etc. Through 10 years of hard work, today ZeRui Doors has 2,00 employees with daily output of 3,600 pieces of interior and exterior doors. The Group has set up a well-established distribution network and business relationship across China and its products have also been exported overseas to the USA, the UK, Mexico, the Middle East, Russia, Ukraine, Poland and the whole East Europe. Our goal is to make the highest quality doors to protect your home and offices to decorate your life. ZeRui Doors are the beauty of aesthetics and the utility function. We provide customized services to our customers and clients wishing to create a door that is built wholly on their own specifications. With our latest product lines, ZeRui starts with the best features of solid structure and let you to pick up and choose every other aesthetics elements from paint to steel panels, to door handles and etc. The finished product is a collaboration of our quality and your creativity. ZeRui takes pride in the consistently high standard of our products and our customer services. Let us build a door for you and it will truly be a safety door for life. 泽锐实业有限公司是一家专业生产铝合金门窗、PVC 和UPVC 门窗、以及铁艺护栏等建筑物品、具有相当规模的现代化企业。 泽锐门窗业致力于行业内的产品、厂内配备了配套完善的铝合金生产线。高级玻璃深加工的生产车间及相应的专业化生产器械,拥有一批高素质的管理人员和的专业生产队伍。泽锐产品既适应了是对的发展需求、亦满足了市场的需求。泽锐产品的优良物理、化学性能、融汇了泽锐人的精心设计、衍生了独具风格的时尚产品。适用于现代不同风格的建筑配饰需求,因而迅速受到国内外客户的青睐、产品遍及全国大中小城市以及海外中东、东南亚等地区。质量与世界同步、管理与国际接轨,服务使用户满意、信誉为品牌争辉、是我们一贯坚持的宗旨。本企业已经通过ISO 标准、产品通过了技术监督局的检验鉴定、品质值得用户信赖。泽锐凭着现代化管理、高素质的人才、优质的产品、周到的服务、为行业树立典范。在未来的日子里、我们会更加精益求精、让一扇扇成功的大门为你的事业增添新的风采。



  • 主营: 工业品,金属制品,金属门窗及类似制品
  • 地址: 佛山南海区黄岐镇白沙村东大街六号
  • 联系: 温先生
  • 手机: 13828406417
  • 电话: 0757-81437356
  • 本站共被浏览过 4706 次

